Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart
Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart
Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart
Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart
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Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart

The Do-It-All Ski from Atomic - top performance in powder and on the piste. The Atomic Bent Chetler 100 is an all-mountain ski with a focus on powder and backcountry skiing. Focus during development: maximum versatility. With a 100 mm waist width, it rides very comfortably in all snow conditions and is a lot of fun everywhere on the mountain. Riding styleAn all-mountain/powder ski for advanced riders and experts. Shape, design, profile and construction have been specially tuned to deliver you the best performance in powder. At the same time, it works optimally on hard slopes and offers versatility for any terrain anywhere on the mountain.ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThe Powder Rocker profile combines a tip and tail rocker with regular camber under the binding. This profile gives the ski a lot of pop and control. The rocker in nose and tail makes the ski a little more forgiving and gives it more uplift in deep snow.ConstructionThe Dura Cap Sidewall construction offers controlled power transmission and excellent edge grip. The rounded shape makes the ski significantly more durable and less susceptible to scratches. The Light Woodcore is made of poplar wood. This woodcore reduces weight while cushioning vibrations and providing smoother riding experience. The HRZN Tech in the tip and tail is reminiscent of the shape of a spoon. It increases the surface of the ski tips by 10 % and provides sensational uplift.

Price now:

6 600.- kr
Se det billigste tilbudet 6 600.- kr



Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart

The Do-It-All Ski from Atomic - top performance in powder and on the piste. The Atomic Bent Chetler 100 is an all-mountain ski with a focus on powder and backcountry skiing. Focus during development: maximum versatility. With a 100 mm waist width, it rides very comfortably in all snow conditions and is a lot of fun everywhere on the mountain. Riding styleAn all-mountain/powder ski for advanced riders and experts. Shape, design, profile and construction have been specially tuned to deliver you the best performance in powder. At the same time, it works optimally on hard slopes and offers versatility for any terrain anywhere on the mountain.ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThe Powder Rocker profile combines a tip and tail rocker with regular camber under the binding. This profile gives the ski a lot of pop and control. The rocker in nose and tail makes the ski a little more forgiving and gives it more uplift in deep snow.ConstructionThe Dura Cap Sidewall construction offers controlled power transmission and excellent edge grip. The rounded shape makes the ski significantly more durable and less susceptible to scratches. The Light Woodcore is made of poplar wood. This woodcore reduces weight while cushioning vibrations and providing smoother riding experience. The HRZN Tech in the tip and tail is reminiscent of the shape of a spoon. It increases the surface of the ski tips by 10 % and provides sensational uplift.

Price now:

6 600.- kr

Blue Tomato NO

6 600.- kr

Gratis levering

Atomic Bent 100 2025 Ski svart

Blue Tomato NO

0.00% (~ 0.- kr)

6 600.- kr

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6 600.- kr

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Foreløpig utilgjengelig
Atomic Bent 100186Cm

7 199.- kr

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7 199.- kr

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The Do-It-All Ski from Atomic - top performance in powder and on the piste. The Atomic Bent Chetler 100 is an all-mountain ski with a focus on powder and backcountry skiing. Focus during development: maximum versatility. With a 100 mm waist width, it rides very comfortably in all snow conditions and is a lot of fun everywhere on the mountain. Riding styleAn all-mountain/powder ski for advanced riders and experts. Shape, design, profile and construction have been specially tuned to deliver you the best performance in powder. At the same time, it works optimally on hard slopes and offers versatility for any terrain anywhere on the mountain.ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThe Powder Rocker profile combines a tip and tail rocker with regular camber under the binding. This profile gives the ski a lot of pop and control. The rocker in nose and tail makes the ski a little more forgiving and gives it more uplift in deep snow.ConstructionThe Dura Cap Sidewall construction offers controlled power transmission and excellent edge grip. The rounded shape makes the ski significantly more durable and less susceptible to scratches. The Light Woodcore is made of poplar wood. This woodcore reduces weight while cushioning vibrations and providing smoother riding experience. The HRZN Tech in the tip and tail is reminiscent of the shape of a spoon. It increases the surface of the ski tips by 10 % and provides sensational uplift.

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Se det billigste tilbudet 6 600.- kr


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