Children of the Nile Pack PC
Children of the Nile Pack PC
Children of the Nile Pack PC
Children of the Nile Pack PC
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Children of the Nile Pack PC

93.- kr

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Get your instant download with Children of the Nile Pack PC includes: Children of the Nile: Alexandria. Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition. The top 3 reasons to play Children of the Nile Pack PC Children of the Nile: Alexandria is an addition to the base Children of the Nile game. Children of the Nile™ is a unique gem of a city-building game, unparalleled in both grandeur and attention to detail. Explore and open trade with foreign neighbors and you will have reason to build commemorative wonders that will tell the tale of your dynasty for all time. About Children of the Nile Pack PC Children of the Nile: Alexandria is an addition to the base Children of the Nile game, adding a new mini-campaign focused on the rise of the city of Alexandria. Using the unique city-building dynamics of Children of the Nile, you will carve out a new dynasty to rule all of Egypt, and build the greatest city of the ancient world! Each person in your city is a fully developed person, with want

Children of the Nile Pack PC

Get your instant download with Children of the Nile Pack PC includes: Children of the Nile: Alexandria. Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition. The top 3 reasons to play Children of the Nile Pack PC Children of the Nile: Alexandria is an addition to the base Children of the Nile game. Children of the Nile™ is a unique gem of a city-building game, unparalleled in both grandeur and attention to detail. Explore and open trade with foreign neighbors and you will have reason to build commemorative wonders that will tell the tale of your dynasty for all time. About Children of the Nile Pack PC Children of the Nile: Alexandria is an addition to the base Children of the Nile game, adding a new mini-campaign focused on the rise of the city of Alexandria. Using the unique city-building dynamics of Children of the Nile, you will carve out a new dynasty to rule all of Egypt, and build the greatest city of the ancient world! Each person in your city is a fully developed person, with want

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93.- kr


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